Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Strange waxes nostalgic about the death of print news media

Strange In Belize on May-09-2009 at 02:06 AM RST @ (Strange Brewer)
"Citizen Journalists" = Amateurs... You know, I have made a career of TRAINING people who have spent four years in college learning their craft how to avoid idiot mistakes. I can generally turn out a journalist who won't crap on the floor more than once a month in about two years of daily work.

These kids are bright, honor rtoll students who are way smarter than me, mostly. But they are GREEN! They make the same damn mistakes, get sucked into the same damn scams. I am an old, surly, suspicious, annoying pain in the ass, who draws flinches every damn time I turn up at a meeting. I am the guy who people hate to return his phone calls, and Have been lied to so many tiems, that I can usually recite the "hook" line before my interview can spout it. I have skin tougher than a rhinosorurs. I have earned my scars and I know my trade. I ain't the best writer who ever lived, but I was once nominated for a minor pulitzer. One day if the muse smiles on me, and I get lucky, I may win one. (Sometimes I even suprise myself. But you know I didn't get here overnight. I have been doing this shit day and night for nearly 40 years... So, yeah, I have earned my scars, polished my skills and hardened my writer's steel in a hot furnace of day to day hacking on a keyboard till my fingers bleeed and then come back the next day and do it all over again. I have written stories that have made peole cry with joy, weep with sorrow and pissed off more people than I can even imagine. I have been punched in the nose for my troubles, told I am the greatest writer since Hemmingway, and even ignored, the worst blow of all... But I am still here. I do this day in and day out. I cna't imagine doing anything else. This is my avocation, my passion.

And a "citizen journalist" who MAYBE graduated from High School with a "C" in composition is better than me, how?

daBull on May-09-2009 at 02:08 AM RST @ (daBull)
WHATEVER sTRSANGE ...............i JUST READ DA comix!