Sunday, December 09, 2007


Jack Burton on Dec-09-2007 at 12:00 PM RST @ (Jack Burton)
Cooking In Kansas
Bieroch Recipe
by Dale Don

This past weekend my cousin found my long deceased Grandmother's Bieroch recipe which the Brack clan brought over from Schoefeldt on the Volga to Otis, Kansas in 1866. We've spent a couple of days discussing the reunions when grandmother spent two days making these German Bierochs. This is not what is sold in the stores around Kansas.

This handwritten note by Grandma Brack that was sent to a grand daughter, probably 40 years ago, but in pretty clear handwriting.

1 1/2 lbs hamburger (lean)
3 lbs cabbage
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup Crisco
1 large onion

Bake at 375 degrees 25 minutes or until they’re brown

Cut cabbage and onions fine, put Crisco in large kettle over deepwell (if your stove has one) or in a fairly large covered pot. Add salt and pepper and steam for about 30 minutes over medium heat.

While this is cooking – put hamburger in skillet over low heat – break it up with fork and stir often until it changes color – do not fry it, then when cabbage is about done mix them together and cook in same pot for another 20 minutes – then taste if it needs more seasoning add more to your own taste. That’s all there is to the filling.

As for the dough, do you use the package roll mix -- I have used it. I’ll try and give you my recipe: I use potato water. Cook one potato, mash it and whatever liquid is left I use as part of the liquid. Mash potato real fine, and the water should be about 2 cups.

Scald one cup of milk, add to water, dissolve. Add one package of dry yeast with ½ cup water. Now you have 2 ½ cups of liquid, keep them all warm in large pan. Add 1/3 cup sugar, ½ cup Crisco, ½ tablespoon salt, 1 egg well beaten, and last flour – (it takes between 8-9 cups of flour. Mix all of this and work it well, a little more or less of the flour is ok. If it sticks a little to your hands it’s ok – I like the dough not to stiff, it makes it softer when baked if it isn’t too stiff.

When you have your dough mixed, keep it in a warm place, let it raise about double in size, then punch it down and then the second time it comes up it’s ready to make the Bierocks. Roll it out and then cut it square, a five by five square, pinch them together, place cut side down over greased cookie sheet. That will take about one large tablespoon of filling. The less dough one uses, the better they are.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


evel chumnievel evel chumnievel on Dec-04-2007 at 11:15 AM RST @ (evel chumnievel)
Don't say I have never given you guys anything, for here is my Swedish grandmother's secret glogg recipe:

12 cardamom seeds
2 sticks of cinnamin
1 orange, with 20 cloves stuck into it
1 cup raisins
1 cup blanched almonds
1 cup sugar

Boil the above in 1 quart of water for 20 mi. Then add a big bottle of port wine, heat to a simmer, serve. Add vodka or everclear to adjust the alcohol content to taste.

nathi on Dec-04-2007 at 11:20 AM RST @ (nathi)
Do you really simmer the port? Or stop short...

evel chumnievel on Dec-04-2007 at 11:21 AM RST @ (evel chumnievel)
Stop short. Just heat it up till it steams, then cover and keep warm