Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Levels of Rat Fest

Jerms on Nov-30-2005 at 11:16 AM RST @
RatFest Level One: Rats are chatting amiably with each other, admiring campgrounds, chuckling amiably while sipping at their hefeweizens and pales ales and nibbling at sliced cheeses and smoked meats.

RatFest Level Two: Rats are talking loudly - sometimes to each other and sometimes to nobody at all, rearranging the furniture, singing "Ironman" around the campfire, gulping their Imperial Stouts and Barleywines while wolfing down smoked salmon & brisket.

RatFest Level Three: Rats are arguing violently with inanimate objects, howling "You're in my eyes" at the moon, gulping ABC, Red Death, and other meads, wolfing down cold brisket from yesterday, playing tackle football with furniture and burning the broken evidence in the campfire.

RatFest Level Four: Rats have burnt brisket bits smeared tribal style all over their naked bodies, are performing a ritual dance IN the burning campfire. Nathi is missing after the second hour of mead shots, and Pipers beard contains at least half a dram of laphroaig. The natives have fled and the campfire can be seen from the ISS in high orbit.

Jerms on Nov-30-2005 at 11:17 AM RST @
with apologies to Dave Barry
Cagey on Nov-30-2005 at 11:18 AM RST @
Wrong! at level 4 nathi is being chased by a naked guy and I am sleeping outside

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Shoe's Pemmican

 Shoe Shoe on Nov-24-2005 at 12:06 PM RST @
Cagey Rat on Nov-23-2005 at 11:28 AM RST @
Anybody know of any use for chunks of deer tallow?

I thought all you Canadians knew how to make pemmican!

Shoe's Pemmican

Kill and dress a deer.

Dig a hole in the ground. Line it with the deer skin. Add water, the larger bones (cracked with rocks), and the deer tallow.

Build a big ass fire. Down wind of the fire, hang strips of the lean deer meat to make jerky. Heat rocks in the fire, and cycle them into the deer skin pot. Do this until the jerky is ready.

Skim the purified fat from the top of the deer skin pot. Have your woman pound the jerky into a near powder using her favorite rock tools. Knead the fat, jerky powder, and dried cranberries into single meal patties - voila, pemmican!

And to answer the inevitable question... Yes, Mother, you can add this to the rat cookbook.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Deadness Explained by 666

bikerBOB on Nov-19-2005 at 02:52 AM RST @ wonder why it's so dead

to much meaness?

to much evolution chat?

quilting convention?

AA 12 steppers taking over ?


Metal on Nov-19-2005 at 02:55 AM RST @ the internet bubble burst dude. we are the only junkies left. everyone else in the WORLD has gotten up from the computer terminal and WALKED OUT THE FRONT DOOR!!

Metal on Nov-19-2005 at 02:58 AM RST @ OOPS just rubbed the eye with pepper dust. damn!

bikerBOB on Nov-19-2005 at 02:59 AM RST @
now pee and get it on mr. johnson


 bikerBOB bikerBOB on Nov-19-2005 at 02:59 AM RST @
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Bow down before the altar of Evolution, you infidels!

Shoe on Nov-19-2005 at 01:34 AM RST @ What I want to talk about is intelligent design.

At its core, intelligent design simply says that the planet hasn't been around enough to account for the complexity of life observed. That random mutation followed by natural selection over 3 to 3.5 billion years is insufficient to account for the complexity of life.

Interestingly enough, this is a question that can be addressed in a scientific manner. Statistical analysis of how we believe mutation and natural selection function would provide a reasoned and critical assessment of intelligent design's central hypothesis.

Yet I don't see that statistical analysis and scientific thinking happening. Instead I see vitrolic personal attacks on the intelligent design advocates who are advancing what is, at its heart, a scientific question. That, more than anything, confirms in my mind that for many people, evolution is not a science - it is a religous belief.

Let me repeat that - EVOLUTION is the religous belief.

And I say that as an agnostic. If I had to bet today, I'd come down on the side of evolution. But I don't worship at the altar of evolution.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Dirt Porn, Snacks, and Refreshments

aleman on Nov-17-2005 at 08:33 PM RST @ Lab I went to a meeting in Arlington, Texas a few weeks ago. The soils mechanics Lab set up a big display of all their testing stuff and their products. I think you would have been in heaven.

Macker on Nov-17-2005 at 08:34 PM RST @ DIRT PORN!

LabRat on Nov-17-2005 at 08:35 PM RST @ coolness AM...did they have direct shear machines and triax machines and fun cit like that? the index testing part is Really Boring....

aleman on Nov-17-2005 at 08:35 PM RST @ I did not realize that they travelled to dam failures and did investigations. I think that would be fun.

LabRat on Nov-17-2005 at 08:37 PM RST @ fun? maybe, depending on circumstances. but interesting fer they're in on summa this NOLA stuff Aleman....

aleman on Nov-17-2005 at 08:38 PM RST @ I did not know what any of it was Lab, I just kept nodding and smiling at them. They had some big photos of washed out dams that they had been examining. Mass soil movement poor compaction during construction not enough water added during the compaction stage of building the damn, soils with very low clay content, you could have joined right in AND THERE WERE SNACKS AND REFRESHMENTS!

Fest History

The Grand Wazoo on Nov-17-2005 at 08:36 AM RST @ Although the Chat was working in late 1995 it was not a public URL.

I first announced the Brew Rat Chat on April 26th, 1996 on the HBD...

The first visit to stranges (andy, RB and I) was in September of 1997.

There were two "unofficial" RatFests. The one just listed and then in 1998 with TD, KJ, Dorothy, Strange, Arlette, Shawn and myself. This was again in Ashland, WI.

The first Official gathering that was called RATFEST was RatFest '99 at my house in Oak Park, IL

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Life through the ages

Jerms on Nov-16-2005 at 06:07 PM RST @
You know, I will do battle with my woman, and lose. I will do battle with my woman, and win.. and yet, I still lose! And I am suppose to feel great sorrow for her! I swear, by Zeena's teats, if I hand her advantage on the field of war, I would be a god.
Jerms on Nov-16-2005 at 06:07 PM RST @
At dawn, I leave the hut; my woman is happy in her toil. When I return from my daily gathering, I am tired and hungry; there is no food or fire, because she has dragged out her ceremonial betroval skins and spent the day weeping because they do not fit. And somehow all this is my fault! I tell you, that ties a knot in my pelt! And now, her family has come to comfort her. They have been with us since Nordis blew his icy breath. And, I tell you, if her brother is not out of my hut by piping time, there will be a clubbing!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Strange don't get some

Strange in Belize on YET ANOTHER LAGAMBA SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!! on Nov-12-2005 at 10:43 PM RST @ Cowan, I am gonna call you Coitus Inturruptus after that call this morning... 8^(

Piper on Nov-12-2005 at 10:44 PM RST @ What's wrong Rick, can't you talk on the phone with one hand?

Strange in Belize on YET ANOTHER LAGAMBA SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!! on Nov-12-2005 at 10:46 PM RST @ Cowan may have noticed a slightly strained quality to the conversation...

He now Joins Piper in the "I kept Strange from getting Laid" Club...

But at least he used a phone and not a set of Goddamn Bagpipes at my bedroom window...

CtB on Nov-12-2005 at 10:47 PM RST @ Strange.. you could of told me to call back in 30 seconds.